contemporary explorations in performance


Padmini Chettur: Grounding

Beginning October 3, 2022

As dancers we often learn through imitation. Our bodies learn one or multiple techniques that are taught to us through a set grammar, a series of steps/ phrases, unquestioned, unanalysed, often unsafe. Is this perhaps a mechanical, mechanising aproach? The intention of these modules developed after 3 decades of research, practice, choreography and teaching is to develop an acute bodily awareness and intelligence- physiological, sensorial and spatial. The methodology is helpful for any dancer hoping to develop a safer, critical, individualised practice. A sound foundational knowledge from which the navigation of forms and aesthetics gains clarity. It will lead us to thinking about dance and movement as a choice rather than something imposed on the body.

–Padmini Chettur

1. Spine; alignment, mobility, length, strength, stability, articulation
2. Grounding; weight transfer, using the feet, structure and musculature of legs, standing, walking
3. Centering; understanding centre, activating centre, connecting extremities, moving space,
revisiting spine and grounding through the centre, presence.
4. Practice/ Application; through learning and relearning a single phrase, participants will learn to
apply the knowledge of the previous 3 modules. When does dance begin?

Brandy Leary